Welcome to St Aidan’s Breakfast Club and Kids Connect.
St Aidan's Offer
Before-school childcare from 7.30am
We run a before-school Breakfast Club which is open to all children from Reception up to Year 6 and starts at 7:30am to 8.45am. At 8.45am the children are taken into the playground to join their peers. Children receive a healthy and filling breakfast and are in school ready to start the school day on time. Breakfast Club is run by our school staff.
Children must arrive to Breakfast Club by 8.20am to give them enough time to eat their breakfast and be ready to start the day. Payment is made through the ParentPay service.
Cost The cost of Breakfast Club is £6.00 per session.
After-school childcare until 6.00pm
After school childcare for children from Reception to Year 6 and starts from 3:25pm to 6:00pm during term time only (excluding INSET Days). Subject to availability Kids Connect may also offer a session from 3.25pm up to 4.30pm.
Children receive healthy snacks to eat such as sandwiches, toasties, pasta. Kids Connect is run by our school staff. Payment is made through the ParentPay service.
Cost The cost for Kids Connect is £6.00 per session from 3.25pm up to 4.30pm or £13.00 per session from 3.25pm up to 6pm.
Contact details
Mrs Jennifer Blackburne is our Wraparound Care Leader for both Breakfast Club and Kids Connect. Mrs Blackburne is also Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL).
If you would like more information, our contact number is 07935 303 307, Email: childcare@st-aidans.croydon.sch.uk
Messages and emails received after 6:00pm will not be seen until 9:00am the following morning.
Further information about our Wraparound Care
We strive to ensure that our Wraparound Care is an opportunity for your children grow and thrive spiritually, physically and emotionally whilst having lots of fun. Feedback from the children is always positive as it gives them time with friends, peers and they feel happy and safe. We provide a range of activities including art and drawing, craft-making , games, reading, cooking, and much more. Outside activities are also held in the school playing field.
Our goal is to provide all children within our care with a happy, safe, caring and stimulating environment before and after school. It is our aim to treat each child as an individual, encourage them in everything they do (independence with an invisible guiding hand). We will always provide a quality service, and will
continually look for ways to improve the quality and services offered.
The handbook below covers a brief outline of our breakfast club and Kids Connect to ensure greater understanding and a strong partnership between the School and our families using the service. Please read the handbook carefully and feel free to discuss any questions you may have.
Further details can be found in the links below.
Please feel free to contact our Wraparound Care leader directly, childcare@st-aidans.croydon.sch.uk or the school office, admin@st-aidans.croydon.sch.uk should you have any questions
01737 556036