'Living and Growing in Christ'


Inclusion is at the heart of the St Aidan's Primary School mission statement.


The school will provide a framework within which all pupils are enabled to develop the highest possible level of achievement fulfilling their academic, moral, physical and spiritual potential.

Staff and governors are committed to providing a nurturing learning environment in which children with all types of needs from all kinds of backgrounds are able to thrive. The school community works together to provide for the emotional, social, physical and academic needs of all children. This SEN information report plans to identify how this happens for children with special educational needs.


Our Provision for those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)

Some children may have learning, physical, emotional or special needs which require special support or provision over the long or short term. Their needs are identified and assessed according to the national code of practice and help is provided in school or sometimes from outside agencies for those who need it.

We believe that all children should have their needs met and should be given an equal access to the curriculum. Our aim is to provide individual and small group provision for those children with Special or Additional Needs whatever those needs may be so that they can reach can progress effectively. We feel that their contribution to school life should be valued and we seek to build their self-esteem.

Objectives are to:

  • Identify as early as possible those children with special needs
  • Regularly inform parents of their child’s progress
  • Fill in all the necessary forms supplied by the LA and designed by the school itself
  • Liaise regularly with external agencies
  • Create individual education plans where appropriate
  • Plan and differentiate appropriate work for the children with special needs
  • Put into place regular screening of SEND children

Who are the best people at St Aidan's Primary to talk to about my child’s Special Educational Need (SEND)?

If you would like to contact Our Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator (SENDCo / Inclusion ), please email:

Mrs Elizabeth Wright using admin@st-aidans.croydon.sch.uk or via telephone to the school office on 01737 556036 (Working Days - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday am only)

Our SEND Governor is Mrs Jo Sone

Both can be contacted via written correspondence or email to the school.


SEN Policy Procedure Report - Nov 2023

Medical Policy

Allergy Policy

LSS Information For Parents

SEND Information Report 2023
