Our Open Days are as follows: Friday 22nd September 9.30 am / Wednesday 11th October 2.00 pm / Tuesday 21st November 9.30 am


A very warm welcome to St Aidan’s Catholic Primary School.

On behalf of the staff and governors I welcome you and your child to St Aidan’s Catholic Primary School. We are a happy and successful one form entry school, committed to providing the highest quality of education alongside a strong Catholic ethos.

Our school’s motto is ‘Living and Growing in Christ.’ This represents the children’s journey at St. Aidan’s and ensures that together we can flourish.

Our pupils are proud of their school and when they leave us at the end of Key Stage 2, they are confidently able to contribute to society as good and responsible citizens, inspired by their Catholic faith. We nurture a close working relationship with our families who are happy and valued members of our community.

Our staff are fully committed to providing children with broad learning experiences, packed with new challenges and long-lasting memories. Our intention is to instil a love of learning in every child, which will continue to enrich their lives, in order to support them to become happy and successful adults.

We work closely with our students to foster the mindset that all their personal goals are achievable with hard work and resilience.

Our school values of Kindness, Resilience, Respect, Self-Belief, Diversity and Honesty enhance our curriculum and these core values will stay with the children for life. It is here at St. Aidan’s where the building blocks start.

St. Aidan’s is a special place where the children from Reception to Year 6 all know each other.

In October 2018, Ofsted confirmed that St Aidan’s remains a good school. St. Aidan's was also graded as outstanding in the areas of Catholic Life and Religious Education by the Diocesan inspectors during their last visit in October 2022. We are delighted with this commendation of the work we do as a Catholic school.

We hope you enjoy exploring our website and you find all the information you require.

Caterina Hughes

Acting Headteacher




TEL:  01737 556036
EMAIL: admin@st-aidans.croydon.sch.uk

Twitter: @St_Aidans_Sch