Good Governance

Good governance means holding the Executive Head Teacher and Head of School to account, being a critical friend and supporting the leadership role to ensure our school delivers the exceptional outcomes we all expect for our children.

The Directors receive reports from the Senior Leadership team each term. As well as the overall Governing Body they are organised into several sub committees: Curriculum (which receives information on how the curriculum is delivered and outcomes for children), Finance (which receives information on the schools finances, health and safety and the school buildings) and Personnel (reviewing how the teaching in our school supports learning).

Directors play an important role in holding senior leaders to account and provide a level of challenge and oversight. The role of directors requires strategic thinking and is not operational. Day to day tasks are the responsibility of the senior and middle leaders. All of our Directors commit to ensure their knowledge and understanding is up to date and broad enough to ensure our Governing Body can play a crucial role in leading our school.

St Aidan’s Catholic Primary School Board of Directors 2024-2025

Alastair Carr

Margaret Cox

Sam Esparon

Lizzie Galbraith

Gill Gillespie (Vice-Chair)

Mark Hannon

Gavin Maier (appointment to be confirmed)

Fr Peter Mansfield

Christiana Onwuejeogwu

Trevor Papworth

Jo Sone (Chair)

Katie Stockermans


Clerk- Karen Swain

St Aidan’s Catholic Primary School Committees 2024-2025

Curriculum Committee

Jo Sone (Chair)

Margaret Cox

Sam Esparon

Lizzie Galbraith

Fr Peter Mansfield

Katie Stockermans


Finance Committee

Gill Gillespie (Chair)

Alastair Carr

Christiana Onwuejeogwu

Jo Sone


Personnel Committee 

TBC (Chair)

Gill Gillespie

Trevor Papworth

Jo Sone


Admissions Committee

TBC (Chair)

Gill Gillespie

Trevor Papworth

Jo Sone


What do Governors Do?

The Governing Body has a range of duties and powers and a general responsibility to oversee the strategic direction of the school and maintain its ethos. For a list of terms of office and declarations of interest, please see below:

St Aidan's Governing Body Scheme of Delegation 2023/2024
Name Role Date of Appointment End of Term/ Resignation Date Term of Office Appointed by Pecuniary/Business Interest/Governance Roles in other schools Form Signed
J Horrigan Foundation Director (Elect) May-19 May-27 4 Years Diocese Mr Horrigan is Treasurer of the School Association (SASA) Sep-23
G Gillespie Foundation Director Apr-18 Apr-26 4 Years Diocese None Sep-23
T Papworth Foundation Director Sep-19 Sep-23 4 Years Diocese None Sep-23
Rev P Mansfield Foundation Director Feb-21 Feb-25 4 Years Diocese None Sep-23
C Luke Staff Director Apr-20 Apr-24 4 Years Staff None Sep-23
J Sone Foundation Governor Jan-24 Jan-28 4 Years Foundation None Jan-24
A Carr Foundation Governor Mar-21 Mar-25 4 Years Diocese None Sep-23
M Cox Foundation Governor Jan-21 Sep-25 4 Years Diocese None Sep-23
T Paull Principal (Accounting Officer) Sep-17 Governing Body None Sep-23
K Stockermans Foundation Governors May-23 May-27 4 Years Diocese None Sep-23
A Harper Principal (Accounting Officer) Jun-23 Governing Body None Sep-23
C Onwuejeogwu Parent Governor Mar-23 Mar-27 4 Years Parent None Sep-23
E Galbraith Parent Governor Jan-24 Jan-28 4 Years Parent None Jan-24



For a record of governor attendance at meetings in the last academic year, please click Record of Attendance at Governor and Committee meetings

Name Type Committees
Mrs Jo Sone (Chair)FoundationCurriculum (Chair)
Fr Peter MansfieldFoundationCurriculum
Trevor PapworthFoundationAdmissions, Personnel
Gill GillespieFoundationFinance & Premises (Chair). Personnel.
Alastair CarrFoundationFinance & Premises
Theresa PaullObserver (Deputy Head)Finance & premises, Curriculum
Colette LukeStaffCurriculum, Premises
Jennifer BlackburneClerk
Karen SwainCo-optedAdmissions
Margaret CoxFoundationCurriculum

Governors Background

Chair: Jo Sone

I currently have one child attending St Aidan’s.  They are in Year 6. During their time at St Aidan’s, I have watched my children progress academically and seen their behaviour mature taking on the values of the Christian faith.

I have 22 years’ experience working as a primary school teacher in schools in Merton and South Croydon.  I am currently working part-time as a Reception class teacher but have worked in many other year groups. I have an excellent knowledge of the Early Years Foundation Stage and the current Curriculum.

I originally volunteered as a Parent Governor to offer my experiences, skills and knowledge gained in my own teaching career to support the Governors, staff and parents to ensure the school continues its journey in supporting children emotionally, socially and academically to achieve.


Father Peter Mansfield

I am a Foundation Governor. In a Catholic school just over half the Governors are Foundation Governors because they are appointed by the Archbishop of the Diocese of Southwark to represent the Catholic Church. I think that the relationship between the two Coulsdon parishes and the School is very important. I have two roles in the School. I am like a chaplain to the School because I am the Parish Priest. This means that the pupils and staff come within my pastoral care. I am also a Governor which means that I have a responsibility to contribute to the way in which the School is governed. I have a special responsibility to ensure that the Catholic ethos is always at the heart of what goes on in every aspect of the life of the School. Thankfully I work with likeminded Governors and staff, so I feel part of a team of people who are convinced of the importance of the religious dimension.

I learn a great deal from the pupils and staff at the School when I visit the classes and the staffroom. Not having children of my own, it is very important not to lose touch with the challenges and opportunities for children in today’s society. The school community helps to keep me in close contact with the realities of family life, with its joys and its struggles.

I think that anyone who wants our School to maintain high standards should be encouraged to give of their time and talents in order to achieve such an outcome. One way in which people can contribute is by serving on the Governing Body. My own school life was in two countries. I went to school in Co. Cork, Ireland until I was 14 years. I then came to London and finished my schooling at Wimbledon College.  I have been a priest for thirty six years as I was ordained in 1983. I was ordained a priest at the age of 25. I have served in Southwark Diocese in Thornton Heath, Lewisham, Beckenham Hill, Bearsted – Kent, Sydenham and Coulsdon.


Dr Trevor Papworth

I am a Headteacher of a Catholic Secondary School in the heart of London.  Therefore am able to voluntarily offer up informed support and share best practice with St Aidan’s.

I am dedicated to Catholic education and see my role in supporting St Aidan’s as part of that dedication.  I am very impressed with the focus on the Catholic Ethos at the school and on implementing a Catholic curriculum with a strong commitment to safeguarding and inclusion.  These are areas I am particularly able to support St Aidan’s with.  I am also committed to supporting the Head do whatever it takes to raise standards.


Gill Gillespie

I joined the governing body spring 2014 and I'm now Chair of the Finance committee. I also serve on the Personnel Committee and I'm the numeracy link governor, which provides a monitoring link back to the governing body for this important subject.  I'm an Actuary by profession. I work for a Pensions Annuity company, where I focus on developing financial models to determine the resources required to ensure that promised pension payments are secure. I believe that I am able to use my business and finance experience to contribute to the strategic direction of the school and to ensure that financial resources are used wisely for continuous improvement in all aspects of learning.

I'm a parishioner at St Mary Help of Christians Old Coulsdon - where I run the catechism class for children not at catholic schools, the confirmation programme and the youth club. Catholic education and support of our children within a strong Christian community is very important to me, as I understand that children flourish in a stimulating and valued environment. As such it's a privilege to be serving as a governor at St Aidan's, which is a school that I can see supports these aims and provided a strong foundation for my own 3 children.


Margaret Cox

I am a widowed mother and grandmother.  Education is my passion - I firmly believe that it is the key to enable children of all abilities and backgrounds to aspire to a good future career (a) to better themselves; (b) to contribute to society in a positive manner.

Apart from being a School Governor, I also belong to several clubs, all of which keep me busy:

  • Debating Society
  • Literary Society
  • Book Club
  • Walking Club
  • Flower Arranging Club​

Both my degrees (BA (Hons) and MA were achieved as a mature student with the Open University.


Alastair Carr

My family moved to the area in 1965 and I am still here! St. Aidan’s School did not exist, the church was being rebuilt and mass was held in the former church hall. The local Catholic primary schools were oversubscribed, so my siblings and I attended Woodcote Infant & Junior School. There was an obvious need for a Catholic primary school, so my father, together with two other parish members set about to accomplish this aim. A little over 10 years later, St. Aidan’s School opened its doors to the two Coulsdon parishes.

A close relationship between the school and the parishes has been created over many years and Fr. Peter is fully committed to strengthen this even further.

I have been closely involved in parish life at St. Aidan’s, having served on the parish council for two terms. My wife, Sue and I ran the altar servers and training programme for many years. I was also a catechist for the confirmation programme. In 2000 I was invited to head the church restoration programme.

The school has always held a strong Catholic ethos, which is essential for every child’s progression and well-being. The Teaching staff, Parish Priest and Governors are fully committed to ensure this is at the heart of the school’s curriculum.

It is a tremendous honour to be invited as a foundation governor.

The types of governors are defined as below;

  • Parent Governor. Parents, including carers, of pupils at the school are eligible to stand for election as governors, and are elected by other parents at the school.
  • Foundation Governor. Foundation Governors are appointed by the Diocese of Southwark and have a particular duty of care to preserve the Catholic ethos of the school.
  • Staff Governors. Staff Governors may come from the ranks of both teaching and support staff, and are elected by the staff.

The Full Governing Body is collectively responsible for policies and decisions. They do, however, delegate specific responsibility to sub-committees to report to the Full Governing Body.

If you would like to contact the governors you can email them at


The Sub Committees

The following sub committees report to the Governing Body:


The role of the Curriculum Committee is to advise the governing body on standards and other matters relating to the school’s curriculum, including policies and statutory requirements. This committee is also responsible for arrangements for governors to shadow specific areas of the curriculum, and aspects of school provision eg Special Educational Needs, Literacy, Numeracy and Equality and Diversity.


The Personnel Committee, in consultation with the Head teacher, is responsible for keeping under review the staffing structure, pay and performance management, and recruitment procedures. The committee also makes recommendations on personnel related expenditure and pay to the Finance Committee.

Finance Committee The role of the Finance Committee is to draft the first formal budget plan of the financial year in consultation with the Head Teacher, establish and maintain an up to date financial plan, to ensure that the school operates within the Financial Regulations of the Local Authority, and to monitor expenditure of all voluntary funds kept on behalf of the Governing Body.


The Premises Committee advises the Governing Body on all matters relating to the school premises:

Health & Safety

Arrangements for maintenance and cleaning of the premises
Any other matters concerning the school buildings and grounds refered to the Committee by the Governing Body.


This committee deals with admissions of pupils in accordance with the School Admissions Policy. The admissions criteria are regularly updated in line with legislation and advice from the Catholic Education Service.


If you wish to make contact with the governors please address correspondence to Mrs Jana Horrigan and either send a letter via the school office or email .