'Living and Growing in Christ'
The start of the school day
The children arrive at school from 8.45 am
Lessons start at 9.05 am
Lessons end at 3.25 pm
Registration is at 9.05 am - children start going into class by 9.00am
Our school gate is opened and supervised from 8:45am. Parents and Carers are asked to escort their children to the pedestrian gate where they will be received by the Senior Leader and teaching staff on duty.
Messages can be relayed to the staff at the gate and they will be dealt with by the office. Parents are welcome to go to the school office with any medication, medical documents or other such letters or enquiries so they can be dealt with safely and in confidence.
The Head Teacher or a member of the Senior Leadership team will be on supervision duty at the main gate or in the playground until the children line up for the beginning of the school day. In the event of rain or similarly inclement weather, the children will come straight into the school building and straight to their classes where their teacher and teaching assistant will greet them.
Parents of Reception pupils may accompany their children into class during the term while they are settling in. By January the children are ready to come into school alongside their peers leaving their parents and carers at the gate.
The school bell sounds at 9.00am and the children line up in the playground in their allocated class places. The children are brought into class by their teacher once ready. The school day begins at 9.05am.
The end of the school day
The school gates open at 3.20pm. Lessons end at 3.25pm
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are dismissed from the classroom door and parents are asked to assemble by classrooms in the playground. key Stage 2 pupils are led out into the playground by their teachers.
Parents are asked to supervise their children once they have collected them and to ensure they leave the premises safely. The trim trail is out of bounds before and after school for health and safety reasons as accidents are more likely then.
We ask parents / and families to be mindful when in the playground so as not to let toddlers or young children play unsupervised in the grounds.
A member of the Senior Leadership team will also be available in the playground at the end of the school day.
Before and After School...
Please see the section on Wraparound Care for working parents under Parent Information on the website for more information. A list of Clubs can be found under the Curriculum & Clubs section on the website. Please contact the school office for further details, admin@st-aidans.croydon.sch.uk
01737 556036