Admissions Information


Priority for admissions is firstly given to baptised Catholics who are resident in the parish of St Aidan's, Coulsdon, followed by Catholic children who live in other parishes.


Welcome to St Aidan’s Catholic Primary School, a happy and successful over-subscribed school, serving the families of the worshipping Catholic community of Coulsdon. We are committed to providing the highest quality of education within a strong Catholic context. 

When a child arrives at St Aidan's. they start their journey with us, one where the whole community works together to guide them towards the discovery of their own unique set of God-given talents.

Our pupils are proud of their school and when they leave here they are confidently able to contribute to society as good and responsible citizens, who are proud of their Catholic faith.

Why Choose Us?

We are delighted that you are considering St Aidan's Catholic Primary School for your child’s education.

In this section, you’ll find details of the application process. 

St Aidan’s Primary is a one-form entry Catholic Primary School for children aged 4-11 years old.  There are currently 222 children on roll. We have a committed staff team, dedicated Governors, a group of passionate parents who form our parent-school association (SASA) and incredibly supportive parents and carers, who make up our school community. At St Aidan's you can expect:

  • A clear focus on the all-round development of your child
  • A consistently high standard of education with enriching after-school provision
  • Experienced teaching staff providing the best-tailored learning experience for all children

We are always pleased to offer a number of open days where parents and families are welcomed by the Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher and  given a guided a tour of the school alongside our year 6 pupils. The Headteacher or Senior Leader along with the Early Years Lead will then do a presentation and talk which gives an opportunity to ask questions.

Often SASA (St Aidan's School Association), are also available to welcome prospective parents and families so they too can talk about their experiences of the school and the work that they do to support the education of the children.

Parents applying for Reception places will be given the our Supplementary Information Form (SIF) to complete which can be found at the righthand side of this page.  Copies are also available at the school office.

You will need to return this document to the school in addition to completing the online application form through e-admissions

The government deadline to submit applications for Reception is Monday 15th January 2024.

Please get in touch with our school office if you would like to book onto one of our tours. Good luck with your applications!

Applications for September 2024 are now closed - National Offer Day for Reception places will be Tuesday 16th April 2024


Please click on the links below for further information:

Supplementary Information Form

Home School Agreement

School admission appeals for reception year 2024.docx


Please see our admissions policy which can be found under the 'Key Information' tab then clicking on the drop down tab 'Policies'.


We hope you find the information you need on the website but if not, please do contact us.